Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Entry 05.11.08 - Reflection

Used a lot of hand out's in this session, some of the information was a little unclear and recieved with confusion.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Entry 22.10.08 - Reflection

Using a more practical approach to the session

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Equality + Diversity Discussion

Equality and Diversity Task [1]

You have a learner on your course who is both disruptive and demanding on your attention. Whilst trying to answer all of their questions the rest of the class are losing concentration.

Discuss some strategies you have used/ or could use?

Q: Whose rights are paramount here? The individual or the group as a whole?

A: - Make it clear you will answer any questions at the end of the session. 
     - Tell then they need to calm down in a sensible manner.
     - Strike method, where if the disruptions continue they will be asked to leave, as a last case           resort.
     - Frequent question breaks.
     - Encourage other people in the group to ask questions. "Anyone else please?"
You need to respect the individual, but need to progress the group. Tackle the individual first in order to move the group forwards.

Codes of Practice + Legislations (Law)

Codes of Practice:

MIS Policy (Manager Information Service)
Staff Development
Sustainable Development
OCN Credit Framework
Curriculum Policy
Quality Policy
OCN Policy
H + S Policy
Internet + Email
Equal Ops Policy
ACE Marketing Policy
LSC Learner Agreement
IAG Policy
Learner Support Policy
Inclusion Policy
Harassment Procedure
Evacuation Procedure
No Smoking

Legislation (Law):
PAT Testing
Child Protection
Data Protection
First Aid at Work
CRB Checks

Recognising Diversity + Support Equality


Equality, Diversity and the need for Inclusion.
'Promoting Equality and Inclusive learning and engaging with Diversity.'

- Access
- Appeal (How do you appeal to other groups)
- Age
- Funds
- Family differences
- Ethnic background / Culture / Religion / Race
- Stereotypes
- Disability / Deaf / Blind
- Gender / Sexual orientation

Reaching out to the ones that need it!

Innovative ways to find Candidates abilities

Research on how to find out what level you pupils are learning at, instead of handing out forms.
some ideas are:
- Quiz
- Games (of relevance to subject?)
- Self portrait (it is was an art course)
- Story boarding (film and animation course)
- Memory games (sign language)
- Rhythm games (music course)

Teachers Obligations

Teachers Obligations:

Learners Needs:

Roles, Responsibilities + Boundaries Activity

Roles, Responsibilities + Boundaries of Teaching.

Roles of a Teacher:
- Teach subject affectively
- Keep up to date with subject
- Give regular feedback
- Deliver clear material
- Flexibility
- Preparation
- Support
- Professionalism

Responsibilities of a Teacher:
-Keeping up to date with subject
- Define learner needs (determine the level they are working towards)
- Risk assessment (Health and safety)
- Data protection act
- Self control (Be prepared to answer questions calmly)
- Self criticism (If your unsure about something, you will go away and find out)
  Don't be receptive to criticism
- Supply Learning Material

Boundaries of a Teacher
- Choice of language (appropriate language)
- Teaching with no discrimination
- Keep to standards, and within regulations
- Safe guard to young children (child protection)
- Confidentiality of learners
- Security of work (Data protection)
- Dress appropriately
- Careful not to offend, respect pupils boundaries.

Entry 15.10.08 - Reflection

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Entry 08.10 .08 - Reflection

The first half the lesson was really interesting and really motivating. Like the first week it was clearly presented and easy to follow and understand. The activities we did finding assosiations and organisations.

In the last half the session I felt it was rushed a little, and even though Moodle had been mentioned as a support tool, for filling in gaps or collecting research outside the sessions in our own time. Halfway through explaining what needs doing for the next week it was cut short and rushed to the next thing. With Moodle being used as a back up for the information not being delivered in a session. I like the idea of Moodle to back up what your being taught, but I don't want to resort in distant learning because information can't be squezzed into each session.

Teaching & Learning experiences - 01/10/08 - 08/10/08

Teaching experiences.

Learning experiences.
Mock Driving test.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Learner Outcome (LO) 1.1

LO 1.1 - Roles and responsibilities.


Be entusiastic to learn. Open minded to learn in different ways.

To be punctual to every session, and with the required equipment.


To look smart and presentable, with a suitable choice of language. No discriminating language, or talking down to the pupils, communicate on the learners level.

To turn up punctual and prepared for the session. I would expect everything to be ready to start on time, and the correct resourses also brought to every lesson. They sould be able to adapt to thier learners needs. Communicate on the learners abilities to recieve information.



Sunday, 5 October 2008

Good and Bad Teaching Experiences

Good Experience:

Adrian Daly and his Algebra Beasts.
That will mean nothing to most people. To me though It reminds me of a time where my Maths was worse than it is now, and more importantly It reminds me of the techniques used to teach me Maths at GSCE level so I was at the average level to pass. Before Adrian Daly took me for maths I was under average and was expecting to either fail or obtain a really low pass. But thanks to Adrian Daly and his Beast theorem I passed, and with a good grade. He basically broke algebra down into different beasts, for example all the X's would be Lions, and all the Y's would be zebra's or Monkeys. Certain beasts wouldn't go together and others would. I think it was more the visual presentation that made it sink into my head and remembered for year. My maths teacher prancing up and down the class room imitating different animals, Insane? Genius! There is a fine line. The main thing is the teaching method worked.

Virtual Reality Presentations:
In one of the Units at Huddersfield University called V.R (Virtual Reality) we were asked to do a series of presentations. We were put into groups and did a group activity were we chose a subject title and then found people with a different title but the same subject. We had to go away and research what our title meant and some how link the two titles, then present our ideas to everyone else. So the project was interesting enough just through the research. Once everybody re-grouped for the presentations you could see how different everyones was. Some presentations ended up being fairly standard, were your listening to someone speak at the front of the class while watching a projected powerpoint. I admit my first presentation of the year was exactly like this. In the second round of presentations everyone was asked to present in the styl eof the people they'd been off researching. My favorite was a presentation where everyone was seated facing each other, and the entire presentation was recieved through an old tape recorder with pieces of scrap paper being passed down the lines of people. The pieces of paper had instructions on in, for example stand up and walk to the corner of the room to read out your slip. the first instruction was press play on the tape player. It was the most rememberable and interactive presentation I've seen.

Bad Experience:

Hot seat in English.

Virtual reality was the most boring lecture of my second year at University. You could look round the room and see half the class asleep, so it wasn't a very engaging lecture. All I took from the entire years worth of lectures was the word, grids.

The first time I really felt like walking out of lecture was in English in my school days.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Closure 01/10/08 - Conclusions

The second session definitely clarified what is expected from the participant, and help explain how we can produce a good body of work. We were shown examples with helped illustrate what we could be working towards.

The ground rules where also expanded and backed up with reasoning behind each chosen rule, which helped understand the rules from the teaching point of role.  

Entry 01/10/08 - Reflection

The second session was easier to digest with most of the information being presented in bullet points and short paragraphs.

Homework [1]

Learning journals to be handed in next week - there will be an entry about each week's learning session and an entry about some teaching/training/tutoring that you have run each week. You will include a description, some analysis and an action point. You might also include some underpinning theory.

To have a go at the tutor e-induction on moodle bring your certificates to class
To complete the roles responsibilities and boundaries hand out
To write up LO 1.1
To include some more theory in next week's session
To review good / bad learning experiences
To look at legislation, inclusion, equality
To have fun
See you next week

Saturday, 27 September 2008

Closure 27/09/08 - Conclusions

Over all I really enjoyed the first session, especially the first half. The Ice Breaker activity was really engaging. It was also important to set our own ground rules with was also done in an interactive way between the group, getting us to communicate and discuss the rules together in agreement.

The second half of the session was a bit of an overload. There was so many hand outs and information to take in from the projector. This made everything a little unclear as to what the course was about and what was expected from us the candidates. However it was all part of an intro session so everything needed to be in brief to give you a synopsis of whats going to be happening. It was all working well until the overload rush that seen to be cramming as much information as possible in the last half an hour.

Ice Breakers

Looking at other Ice Breaker ideas

Ground Rules

The decided rules were as follows:

Entry 27.09.08 - Reflection

Opening entrance:
First thoughts.

Sorry for being late the first session. I'm not a person who is usually late and I normally roll my eyes to people who are. So my first reaction was, I'm one of those annoying people who turn up late, looking like their not interested and disrupting the lesson. I also thought I would instantly stand out and be singled out and made an example of. In this case I was welcomed in and felt settled straight away.

Ice Breaker Activity:

The first activity was really effective to get to know your peers. It was a series of obscure questions you had to find people to answer. I found it a relly interesting way to get talking to people in a way outside the usual "Hi, I'm Tom, and I work as..." This way everyone was talking about the most random stories and experiences. Also the questions were already there so people didn't have to sit down and come up with there own random questions. With the set questions it help finding what some people have in common with each other, or equally how different someone can be. 

The questions and Answers I got are as follows:

Q1. Has a Pet Dog?
A.   Marie's Dog is called Gem and it's a springer spaniel.

Q2. Lived abroad for more than a year?
A.    Vikki lived in America and Germany for 4 years.

Q3. Is a Vegetarian?
A.    Sandra is but eats fish.

Q4. Is a Grandparent?
A.   Helen is a grand parent through marriage.

Q5. Plays musical instrument?
A.   Laura plays the drums and Ben plays the Keyboard.

Q6. Is part of a sports team?
A.    -

Q7. Been to the cinema in the last week?
A.   Sue March went to see Momma Mia in Chesterfield for £5.

Q8. Regularly reads a Sunday newspaper?
A.    Clarissa reads the telegraph.

Q9. Owns and regularly uses an MP3 player?
A.   Rachael was listening to Cold play and Abba on her iPod Nano.

Q10. Has a half term Holiday booked?
A.      Lindsey has it just booked off work at the moment.

Q11. Has an unusual hobby?
A.     Adrian does fire Poi (spins fire on a rope)

Q12. Orders from Tesco / Asda / Sainsbury's for weekly shopping?
A.     -

I really enjoyed it and would like to find some more interesting and original Ice breakers.

Ground Rules:

Setting the ground rules ourselves is also an important part of the sessions. I think you respect rules alot more when they are your expectations, also other people who imput to the ground rules will also police them, so theres less pressure on the lecture. My rule was Puntuallity, ironicly. But now I've set the rule of punctuallity I would feel the biggest hypocrite to turn up late now.

Learner Goals:

Friday, 26 September 2008

Idea of subjects

Before I start the PTTLS course I had thought what I might be able to teach. I trained in Multimedia for years so have bits of experience in a very wide variety of Medias. But I don't really feel confident to teach any. I think this is more the confidence of teaching to people in general, I've never really enjoyed standing up in presentations and usually rely on pretty graphics so distract people from the focus on me. Obviously at some point in teaching I the focus will be on me for the majority of every session.

The subjects I would like to teach I have picked out for the simple reason, that I'm more passionate about teaching them, so feel naturally enthusiastic to tell people everything I know about the subject. I feel competent in teaching Photoshop, or Video editing and directing. I also love getting people to idea generate, that comes in most subjects. Teaching people to Blog and the importance and advantages of Blogging (watch this space!). I'd also though about teaching some kind of expressive art, which would be a huge challenge for the lesson planning, so might leave that till after I've practiced teaching a program?

My Basic background


Thursday, 25 September 2008

What I hope to achieve?

Why did I want to enroll onto PTTLS in the first place?